Prevalence and Risk Factors of Mammary Gland Hyperplasia Among Female Workers in a Hospital in Qinhuangdao |
WANG Jingshi, LI Yanguo |
Qinhuangdao First Hospital, Hebei Qinghuangdao 066000, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the effective method of reducing the incidence of mammary hyperplasia in female workers in a hospital of Qinhuangdao city by analyzing the situation and risk factors of breast hyperplasia. Method: 1154 female workers who took part in physical examination in the hospital in 2015 were selected as the research object. Breast survey was made by B ultrasonography for all the objects. According to the classification of normal and breast hyperplasia, statistical analysis of prevalence and risk factors of hyperplasia of mammary glands in accordance with the six aspects of work, section categories and different degree, different age, different titles, such as monthly night shift. Result: A total of 1154 women were included in the study, the incidence of breast hyperplasia was 44.45%. According to the distinction between jobs, the highest rate of breast hyperplasia, sick doctor was 50.31%, followed by nurses, the prevalence rate was 46.69%, the prevalence rate of the work of breast hyperplasia compared with statistical significance (χ2=43.770, P<0.05); According to the department, the highest rate in the emergency department of breast hyperplasia was 85.42%, followed by surgery, the prevalence rate was 48.69%, the prevalence rate of the breast hyperplasia compared with statistical significance (χ2=44.390, P<0.05); According to the different age, the prevalence rate of 31 ~ 40 years old was 65.44%, followed by the age of the patients from the age of 41 to the age of 41.89%, and the prevalence of breast hyperplasia in different age groups was statistically significant (χ2=80.570, P<0.05); According to the comparison of monthly night shift, night shift in >6 days breast hyperplasia and the highest prevalence rate was 80%, 4 ~ 6 days group of breast hyperplasia prevalence rate was 68.35%, the prevalence rate of different monthly shift compared to the array of breast hyperplasia. The difference was statistically significant (χ2=254.760, P<0.05); According to the title, the prevalence rate of the intermediate grade was 55.36%, and the prevalence rate of primary disease was about 22.22%. There was a significant difference in the incidence of hyperplasia of mammary glands between different titles (χ2=80.570, P<0.05). Conclusion: Jobs, Department category, age, monthly night shift, the title is the risk factors of hospital workers of breast hyperplasia, must according to the related risk factors of prevention to reduce health care system of female workers in prevalence rate of breast hyperplasia.
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