Analysis of Clinical and Pathological Features of Gastric Polyps and Colorectal Polyps |
ZHU Shu |
Yangzhou Friendliness Hospital, Jiangsu Yangzhou 225200, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the clinical and pathological characteristics of gastric polyps and colorectal polyps. Method: The clinical data and pathological data of 63 patients with gastric polyps and 89 patients with colorectal polyps were collected and diagnosed by endoscopy center from September 2010 to October 2015. The age, sex, polyp detection rate, polyp size, number, location and pathological types were compared and analyzed. Results: The detection rate of gastric polyps (10.12%) was lower than that of colorectal polyps (16.96%). The detection rate of gastric polyps (4.46%) and the detection rate of colorectal polyps (8.21%) were less than The detection rate of colorectal polyps was higher than that of gastric polyps (5.71%, 8.75%), the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05) (12.0%) was higher than that of male (8.2%). The detection rate of colorectal polyp was 23.9% higher than that of female (11.0%)(P<0.05). Study of the size of the two polyps found that single gastric polyps more than single large intestinal polyps. The difference of the detection rate of inflammatory, proliferative and adenomatous polyps was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: The detection rate of gastric polyp was lower than that of colorectal polyp. The older the patients, the higher the detection rate of the two groups of older age groups were higher than the average age group, suggesting that with the increase of age, polyp detection rate the higher. Gastric polyps are common in female patients, and colorectal polyps are common in male patients. Pathological types of gastric polyps inflammatory polyps common, colonic polyps pathological types of tumor polyps are more common midline, analysis shows that the rate of colorectal polyps higher than the gastric polyps.
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