Systematic Review of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Functional Constipation Based on Randomized Controlled Trials |
TAN Shufa, et al |
Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Xianyang 712046, China |
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of FMT combined with drugs in the treatment of functional constipation and to provide evidence-based medical basis for clinical treatment. Methods: A systematic literature search of six domestic and international databases was conducted to screen randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or observational trials of FMT for functional constipation, with screening, data extraction and bias assessment carried out independently by two researchers. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool and StataSE 15.0 software were used for quality assessment and statistical analysis. Results: Eleven RCT studies with a total of 958 patients were eventually included.Meta-analysis showed that FMT combined with pharmacological treatment significantly improved clinical outcomes compared with pharmacological treatment alone for functional constipation [RR=1.39,95%CI(1.23,1.58),P<0.001]; significantly improved stool properties (BSFS score) [WMD=0.81,95%CI(0.53,1.08),P<0.001]; reduced quality of life in constipation (PAC-QOL score) [WMD=-13.47,95%CI(-15.24,-11.7),P<0.001]; reduced Wexner constipation score WMD=-2.78,95%CI(-3.02,-2.53),P<0.001]; while significantly improving gastrointestinal function [WMD=-30.99,95%CI(-38.26,-23.72),P<0.001]; and regulating the balance of serum gastrointestinal hormone levels [WMD=3.78,95%CI(0.30,7.26), P<0.001]. The difference in the regulation of intestinal flora was statistically significant in reducing the level of pathogenic bacteria as well as increasing beneficial bacteria; the difference in the occurrence of adverse events [RR=0.49, 95% CI (0.20,1.25), P<0.001] was not statistically significant. Conclusion: FMT combined with medication has better efficacy in the treatment of functional constipation than conventional treatment alone.
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