Effects of Febuxostat Combined with Alprostadil on Renal Function Serum Uric Acid and EGFR in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease |
ZHANG Xuefeng, QIU Yuhua, WANG Yiping, et al |
Liaoning Jinqiu Hospital, Liaoning Shenyang 110016, China |
Abstract Objective: To study the effects of febuxostat combined with alprostadil on renal function, serum uric acid and Gglomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in patients with chronic kidney disease. Methods: A total of 103 patients with chronic kidney disease who received treatment in our hospital from January 2018 to January 2021 were selected and divided into combination group (n=52) and monotherapy group (n=51) by simple random grouping method. The monotherapy group was treated with alprostadil, and the combination group was treated with febuxostat on the basis of the monotherapy group. The clinical efficacy, serum uric acid, eGFR, serum creatinine (Scr), urea nitrogen (BUN), 24-hour urine protein level and the incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results: After treatment, there was statistical difference in the total effective rate between the two groups (P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no significant difference in renal function between the combination group and the monotherapy group. After treatment, Scr, BUN and 24-hour urine protein quantification were significantly decreased in both groups, and the combination group was lower than the monotherapy group; the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no significant difference in serum uric acid and eGFR between the two groups. After treatment, serum uric acid was significantly decreased in both groups, and eGFR was significantly increased in the combination group compared with the monotherapy group, with statistical significance (P<0.05). The total incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups was 5.77% and 15.69%, with no statistical significance (P>0.05). Conclusion: In patients with chronic kidney disease, febuxostat combined with aprostadil has a significant therapeutic effect, which can effectively improve the renal function and serum uric acid and eGFR levels.
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