Diagnostic Value of FQ-PCR Combined with IGRA for FGT in Menstrual Blood Mycobacterium Tuberculosis |
CHEN Hongmei, WANG Qi, FANG Zhe, et al |
The First Department of Internal Medicine, Hunan Chest Hospital / Hunan Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Institute, Hunan Changsha 410006, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of fluorescent quantitative PCR (FQ-PCR) detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis in menstrual blood combined with interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) for female genital tuberculosis (FGT). Methods: A total of 156 cases of tubal infertility and recurrent abortion admitted to our hospital from July 2016 to September 2019 were selected for etiological examination, fluorescence quantitative PCR detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in menstrual blood and detection of interferon gamma release test. The patients were divided into 2 groups with the gold standard of endoscopic findings and pathological results. The rate of missed diagnosis was analyzed in both solo and combined detection. Results: The rate of missed diagnosis in combined detection was 14.29%, which was lower than 42.86% of PCR detection alone and 52.38% of interferon-γ release test (P<0.05).The rate of missed diagnosis in combined detection was 11.76%, which was lower than 35.29% of PCR detection alone and 52.94% of γ-interferon release test (P<0.05). Conclusion: As the early screening methods of FGT in tubal infertility and recurrent abortion, the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis in menstrual blood by fluorescence quantitative PCR and interferon gamma release test have a certain rate of missed detection. The combined detection of the two diagnostic methods can effectively reduce the rate.
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