An Analysis of Predictors of Intrauterine Balloon Tamponade Failure in Persistent Postpartum Hemorrhage After Vaginal Delivery |
ZHANG Zhaoju, TANG Gui'e |
Wanbei Coal Power Group General Hospital, Anhui Suzhou 234000, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the influencing factors and predictive value of balloon tamponade failure in persistent postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery. Methods: 80 cases of PPH patients after vaginal delivery, between September 2016 and September 2019, were retrospectively selected as the research subjects, and divided, by the outcomes of filling the balloon catheter, into success group (59 cases) and failure group (21 cases). The basic data and surgical indicators of the two groups were collected, Logistic analysis was conducted to the influencing factors, and the predictive value was analyzed by ROC curve. Results: Basic data comparison shows that in failure group had, than the success group, significantly higher occurrence of high maternal age, preeclampsia, scar uterus, placenta previa, placenta increta, weakness of contractions, diffuse intravascular coagulation, shock, blood transfusion and macrosomia (P<0.05). Surgical indicators showed that in terms of 24 h blood loss, balloon infusion volume and indwelling time, failure group had significantly higher figure than the success group (P<0.05). Logistic analysis showed that age, preeclampsia, blood loss, balloon infusion volume and indwelling time were all influencing factors for the failure of balloon catheter filling (P<0.05). ROC curve results showed that the age, preeclampsia, blood loss, balloon infusion volume, the indwelling time and the five joint AUC were 0.684, 0.791, 0.669, 0.850, 0.869, 0.940, and sensitivity were 0.797, 0.815, 0.763, 0.661, 0.814, 0.898, specific degrees were 0.524, 0.667, 0.619, 0.762, 0.857, 0.905. Conclusion: Age, preeclampsia, large blood loss, low balloon infusion volume and short indwelling time were all the reasons for failure of balloon compression hemostasis, and multiple combinations could improve the clinical prediction effect.
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