The Analysis of the Intraocular Pressure, Vision and Complications of Glaucoma Patients Treated with Ultrasonic Emulsification Combined Trabeculectomy |
ZENG Yiqun, et al |
171 Hospital of OphthalmoLogy in the People's Liberation Army, Jiangxi Jiujiang 332000, China |
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the impact on patient's intraocular pressure, vision and complications after the clinical application of ultrasonic emulsification cataract gettering technique combined trabeculectomy.Methods: 90 glaucoma with cataract patients admitted in our hospital in recent years are selected as the research object, according to the different treatment method, they are divided into combined treatment group and control group.45 cases in the control group are treated by trabeculectomy while 45 cases are treated with the combination therapy of ultrasound emulsification and cataract gettering treatment. Compare the postoperative intraocular pressure (iop), visual acuity and complications of the two groups of patients.Results: There is no obvious difference (P > 0.05) between two groups of patients of their eye average visual acuity, intraocular pressure level before surgery. The level of vision improved and the intraocular pressure declined gradually in both groups by 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgery, but combined treatment group improved more significantly (P < 0.05) than the control group ; the postoperative complications incidence of combined treatment group and control group were 8.8%, 22.0%, the complication rates of combined treatment group was obviously lower than the control group (P < 0.05), with statistical significance. Conclusion: the clinical application of ultrasonic emulsification cataract gettering technique combined trabeculectomy in the treatment of glaucoma patients with cataract can effectively restore postoperative visual acuity, reduce intraocular pressure, and with relatively few complications and high security, which is worthy of popularization and application.
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