The Effects of Autotransfusion on the Levels of IL-8 and CRP in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Under CPB in Variant Time Courses |
XIA Xia, HUANG Ming, et al |
The Central Hospital of EnshiTujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Enshi 445000, China |
Abstract Objective:To investigate the effect of autotransfusion on interleukin-8 (IL-8) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Methods:100 patients who underwent CPB cardiac surgery in our hospital from March 2018 to March 2019 were selected,who were treated with self blood recovery and transfusion. According to the estimated CPB time courses, they were divided into group A (n=32, time course>120min), group B (n=30, time course:60 min~120 min) and group C (n=38, time course<60 min). The IL-8 and CRP were detected in each group, and the blocking time of ascending aorta and the bleeding volume during operation and related indicators were observed. Results:The blocking time and bleeding volume of ascending aorta in group A were (103.30 ± 25.50) min and (810.01 ± 101.11) ml, which were significantly higher than those in group B and group C (P < 0.05); The blocking time of ascending aorta and bleeding volume in group B were (63.30 ± 19.28) min and (430.02 ± 101.11) ml, which were significantly higher than those in group C (P < 0.05); The levels of IL-8 and CRP in group A at 24 and 48 hours after CPB were (18.30 ± 2.20) ng / L and (16.80 ± 1.88) ng/L, (65.59 ± 11.29) ng/L and (48.89 ± 12.10) ng/L, which were significantly higher than those in group B and C (P < 0.05); The levels of IL-8 and CRP in group B 24 and 48 hours after CPB were (15.50 ± 1.88) ng/L and (13.38 ± 2.01) ng/L, (49.89 ± 12.10) ng/L and (30.28 ± 10.11) ng/L, which were significantly higher than those in group C (P < 0.05); The time of tracheal extubation and postoperative hospitalization in group A were (19.20 ± 2.10)h and (12.10 ± 2.10) d, which were significantly longer than those in group B and group C (P < 0.05); The incidence of postoperative neurological complications in group A was 28.13%, which was significantly higher than that in group C (P < 0.05). Conclusion:The longer the CPB time course, the more serious the inflammatory response of patients under the condition of autotransfusion.
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