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HeBei Med  2019, Vol. 25 Issue (12): 1972-1975    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-6233.2019.12.010
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Changes of Serum CA125 VEGF-C and Sex Hormone Levels before and after Hysteromyoma Surgery and the Relationship with Prognosis
XU Han
Liaoyang Central Hospital, Liaoning Liaoyang 111000, China
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Abstract  Objective: To observe the changes of serum cancer antigen (CA125), vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) and sex hormone levels before and after the operation of hysteromyoma, and to study the relationship between these three indexes and the prognosis of patients. Methods: From January 2017 to may 2018, 120 cases of hysteromyoma in our hospital were selected for surgical treatment as the study object. All patients underwent laparoscopic myomectomy, Serum CA125, VEGF-C, follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone (P), estradiol (E2) levels were compared between the two groups before and 7 days after operation, and the pregnancy of patients with pregnancy requirements (n = 75) and those without pregnancy requirements (n = 75) within 12 months after operation were followed up (n = 45). Results: The levels of serum CA125, VEGF-C, P and E2 in all patients were significantly lower than those before operation (P<0.05 or P<0.01), and the levels of serum FSH and LH were significantly higher than those before operation (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The follow-up results showed that the menstrual volume, dysmenorrhea and other clinical symptoms of 120 patients were significantly improved. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of hysteromyoma can effectively improve the changes of serum CA125, VEGF-C and sex hormone levels, and improve the prognosis of patients.
Key wordsUterine fibroids      CA125      VEGF - C      Sex hormones     
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XU Han
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XU Han. Changes of Serum CA125 VEGF-C and Sex Hormone Levels before and after Hysteromyoma Surgery and the Relationship with Prognosis[J]. HeBei Med, 2019, 25(12): 1972-1975.
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