The Role of Acoustic Impedance Test, DPOAE and ABR Test in Diagnosis and Treatment of AN-SOM in Children |
XU Huiping |
Ezhou Central Hospital, Hubei Ezhou 436000, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the effects of acoustic immittance test, distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) and auditory brainstem response (ABR) test in the diagnosis of acute non-suppurative otitis media (AN - SOM) in children. Methods: 120 children with AN - SOM diagnosed in the department of otolaryngology in the hospital from February 2016 to December 2017 were enrolled in the study. There were 28 cases with bilateral acute earache seizures and 92 cases with single ear attack, a total of 148 ears. According to the presence of symptoms such as tinnitus, ear swelling and stuffiness, ear blockage and hearing loss, the ears were divided into 85 symptomatic ears and 63 asymptomatic ears. The rest 92 ears were normal ears. The acoustic immittance test, DPOAE and ABR test were performed. Results: The abnormal rates of acoustic immittance test, DPOAE and ABR for symptomatic ears were significantly higher than those of asymptomatic ears or normal ears (P < 0.05). The abnormal rates of 3 audiological examinations of asymptomatic ears were significantly higher than those of normal ears (P < 0.05). In the 3 audiological examinations, the percentages of 2 abnormal tests and 3 abnormal tests of symptomatic ears were significantly higher than those of asymptomatic ears or normal ears (P < 0.05). The tympanogram of symptomatic ears mainly was type B or type C while that of asymptomatic ears mainly was type As or type B and that of normal ears mainly was type A (P < 0.05). The hearing loss of symptomatic ears was mainly moderate or severe and that of asymptomatic ears mainly was mild or moderate but there was no hearing loss of normal ear (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Acoustic impedance test, DPOAE and ABR test can also be used as an auxiliary diagnosis method for AN-SOM, which helps to reduce the misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis of children with asymptomatic AN-SOM.
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