Efficacy of Bailing Capsule Combined with Metformin in the Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease and Its Influence on Levels of Serum ACA IL-6 and NGAL |
LUO Chengxun, et al |
Chengdu Sixth People's Hospital, Sichuan Chengdu 610051, China |
Abstract Objective: To analyze the effects of Bailing capsule combined with metformin in the treatment of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Methods: A total of 108 patients who met the requirements were selected between January 2019 and July 2020, and simple randomized grouping method was used to divide the patients into Bailing capsule group (n=54) and conventional group (n=54). The conventional group was given salvianolate combined with metformin and other conventional DKD treatments, and the Bailing capsule group was combined with Bailing capsule on the basis of the regular group. The blood glucose indicators, renal function indicators, serum-related factors, and vascular endothelial function indicators were compared between the two groups of patients before treatment and at 16 weeks of treatment. The clinical efficacy of the two groups of patients was compared at 16 weeks of treatment. Results: There were no significant differences in the levels of blood glucose indicators (FPG, 2hPG, HbA1c, HOMA-IR), renal function indicators (Scr, BUN, 24h UAER) and serum-related factors (ACA-IgA, ACA-IgM, ACA-IgG, NGAL) between the two groups of patients before treatment (all P>0.05), and at 16 weeks of treatment, the above indicators of the two groups were significantly decreased compared with those before treatment, and the decreases were greater in Bailing capsule group (all P<0.05). The level of ET-1 of Bailing capsule group at 16 weeks of treatment was significantly lower than that of conventional group, and the decline was greater (all P<0.05). The NO, FMD and NMD of Bailing capsule group were significantly higher than those of conventional group at 16 weeks of treatment, and the increases were greater (all P<0.05), and its clinical efficacy was significantly improved compared to conventional group (Z=2.123, P=0.034). Conclusion: On the basis of conventional treatment of patients with DKD, combination of Bailing capsule can effectively regulate the glucose metabolism level, relieve the inflammatory response, improve the renal function, and enhance the therapeutic effect.
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