An Observation of Cataract with Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma by UBM on the Shape of Lens Suspensory Ligament Before and After Surgery |
CUI Dongmei, WU Xiaohong, HE Yan |
The First Affiliated Hospital of Qinghua University, Beijing 100016, China |
Abstract Objective: To investigate and observe the configuration of preoperative suspensory ligament of lens and postoperative chamber angle with low frequency ultrasound biological microscope (UBM) applied in surgery of cataract with primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG). Methods: A total of 50 patients (50 eyes) with PACG and cataract and undefined configuration of preoperative suspensory ligament of lens and postoperative chamber angle who were prepared for cataract surgery from January 2016 to December 2019 were selected. Preoperative UBM examination was performed on all patients, and abnormalities of the lens suspensory ligament and postoperative chamber angle were observed and recorded to evaluate the accuracy of UBM examination. Results: UBM examination showed that among the 50 patients with cataract combined with PACG, 29 eyes (58%) had abnormal suspensory ligament, 9 eyes (18%) had detached suspensory ligament, and 20 eyes (40%) had loose ligament. Surgical results showed that 27 eyes (54%) of the 50 patients with cataract combined with PACG had abnormal suspensory ligament, among which 8 eyes (16%) had detached suspensory ligament, and 19 eyes (38%) had loose ligament. The difference between the two examination methods was not statistically significant and the accuracy was high. In addition, the quantitative detection of the patient's chamber angle by UBM showed that the postoperative ACD, AOD500 and TCPD of the patient's chamber angle were significantly increased, with statistically significant difference (P<0.05), while the difference of ID1 before and after surgery was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusions: UBM can accurately observe and locate the abnormal situation of the lens suspensory ligament, and provide a quantitative basis for the observation of the shape of the angle of the affected eye, which is of great clinical significance.
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