Comparison of the Effects of PASS Appliance and MBT Self-locking Appliance in the treatment of Class I Malocclusion |
XU Chen, WANG Bin, WU Jianhua |
Hefei Dental Clinical College, Anhui Medical University, Anhui Hefei 230001, China |
Abstract Objective: To compare the clinical effects of physiological anchorage control (PASS) appliance and MBT self-locking appliance in the treatment of moderately crowded class I extraction cases. Methods: 53 cases of Angle I with moderate crowded dentition requiring extraction were selected. PASS group was treated with PASS appliance and MBT self-locking appliance was treated with MBT self-locking appliance. Lateral cephalometric films were taken before and after treatment, and the difference of curative effect was evaluated by cephalometric analysis. Results: Compared with the MBT self-locking group, the average treatment time of the PASS group, the anterior skull base plane-upper sulcus seat angle (SNA), the anterior skull base plane-lower sulcus seat angle (SNB), the upper coronal seat point-nose root point-lower alveolar seat angle (ANB), mandibular plane-anterior skull base plane angle (MP-SN) of the PASS group showed no significant change (P>0.05); the long axis of the upper central incisor and the angle of the saddle point-nasal root point (U1-SN), the angle of the long central incisor with the mandibular plane (L1-MP), upper middle incisor Long axis and upper coronal seat-nose root point line intersection angle (U1-NA), lower middle incisor long axis and lower alveolar seat point - nose root point line intersection angle (L1-NA) and U1-NA, L1-NA distance of the PASS group was significantly lower (P<0.05); the anterior lower angle of the longitudinal axis of the maxillary first molar and the vertical plane of the PM plane (U6/PM) , and the anterior lower angle of the longitudinal axis of the maxillary first molar and the PP plane (U6/PP) increased, the distance from the mid-abdominal first molar to the PM plane (U6-PM), and the distance from the mesial apical apex of the maxillary first molar to the PM plane (U6R-PM) reduced (P<0.05); the nasolabial angle increased, the upper lip point to the E-line distance (UL-E line), and the lower lip point to the E-line distance (LL-E line) reduced (P<0.05). Conclusion: PASS appliance can achieve better anchorage control and more anterior adduction and profile improvement in the extraction treatment of class I moderate crowding cases.
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