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HeBei Med  2019, Vol. 25 Issue (12): 1975-1978    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-6233.2019.12.011
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Effect of Octreotide combined with Alprostadil in the Treatment of Hyperlipidemic Acute Pancreatitis and the Effect on Gastrointestinal Function Recovery and Negative Conversion Rate of Blood Amylase
YE Dan, KE Li, ZHANG Chuan, et al
Third People's Hospital of Chengdu, Sichuan Chengdu 610031, China
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Abstract  Objective: To observe the curative effect of octreotide combined with alprostadil in the treatment of hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis (HAP) and the effect on gastrointestinal function recovery and negative conversion rate of blood amylase. Methods: A total of 100 patients with HAP admitted to the hospital from May 2016 to May 2019 were selected and divided into 2 groups by the random number table method, 50 cases in each group. Both groups were given standardized medical treatment after admission. The control group was treatment with intravenous infusion of alprostadil and the observation group was additionally treated with continuous intravenous infusion of octreotide for 10 days. The negative conversion rates of blood amylase after 5 days and 10 days of treatment, gastrointestinal function recovery, time for blood amylase recovery, length of hospital stay, levels of serum triglyceride (TG), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CPR) and blood rheological indicators were compared between the two groups. The incidence of complications in both groups was recorded. Results: For mild patients, the total response rate of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group. The negative conversion rate of blood amylase in the observation group after 5 days of treatment was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). However, for severe patients, there was no significant difference in the total response rate or the negative conversion rate of blood amylase between the two groups (P>0.05). The time for gastrointestinal function recovery and blood amylase recovery in the observation group was significantly shorter than that in the control group. The length of hospital stay was also significantly shorter than the control group (P<0.05). The levels of TG, IL-6, TNF-α, CRP and blood rheological indicators in both groups were decreased significantly after treatment, and the levels were lower in the observation group than the control group (P<0.05). The incidence of complications in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (8.00% vs 22.00%) (P<0.05). Conclusion: Octreotide combined with alprostadil can effectively reduce levels of blood lipids in patients with HAP, promote gastrointestinal function recovery, increase the negative conversion rate of blood amylase, reduce inflammation and improve the status of blood microcirculation, with high safety.
Key wordsOctreotide      Alprostadil      Hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis      Gastrointestinal function      Blood amylase     
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