Analysis of Presciption of Antibiotics in Outpatient Department of a General Hospital |
TANG Haibo, et al |
The People’;apos;s Hospital of Langfang, Hebei Langfang 065000, China |
Abstract Objective: To analyze the conditions of antimicrobial drugs use in outpatient department and to provide the theoretical basis for rational use of antibiotics in the hospital. Method: This research was based on data collected on drug prescriptions from the hospital information system. The use of antimicrobial agents in the outpatient department was analyzed from 2013 to 2015. Ten percent of yearly antibiotic prescriptions were included in the analysis. Result: The results for antibiotic usage for the three year period were as follow: the outpatient department was 11.38%, 10.58% and 10.62% respectively,while the emergency department was 23.34%, 25.85% and 21.92% respectively. Our findings were consistent with the ministry of health recommendations|however, the proportion of the outpatient department was less than 20%,whereas the percentage of the emergency department was not up to 40%. As regards the prescription of 10301 antibacterial drugs,oral cephalosporin was found to be the main medicine used by OPD patients and it accounted for a hefty 85.34% of the total prescriptions. By contrast, intravenous infusions (12.61%) and intramuscular injections (2.04%) were less prescribed in the OPD. Finally, the proportion of antimicrobial agents use was found to be different in various departments, with the surgical department having the highest prescription rate. Similarly, the respiratory, pediatric and infectious diseases departments were among the departments who used most antibiotics. These results were based on systematic analysis of reviewed antibiotic prescriptions, and the error margin for the calculation was 5.85%. Conclusion: In summary, it can be said that the selection of antimicrobial agents and the proportion of antibiotics used in the hospital were reasonable, although, there were still some unreasonable problems caused by empirical use of antibiotics in individual departments. All said and done, the prescription of antimicrobial agents in outpatient department still need further strengthening to effectively manage their use.
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