Influence of Low-calcium Dialysate on Secondary Hyperparathyroidism and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients' |
ZHANG Bing |
Caidian District People's Hospital of Wuhan City, Hubei Wuhan 430100, China |
Abstract Objective: To analyze the influence of low-calcium dialysate on maintenance hemodialysis patients' secondary hyperparathyroidism and carotid atherosclerosis. Methods: 76 cases of maintenance hemodialysis patients were randomly divided into two groups, control group:high dialysate calcium concentration (DCa1.75), 3 times/week for 6 months; observation groups: low-calcium dialysate (DCa1.25), 3 times/week for 6 months. The peripheral blood PTH, calcium and phosphorus metabolism, lipid metabolism, ultrasound carotid artherosclerosis parameters before and after 6 months of two group patients were detected. Results: The PTH, calcium and phosphate metabolism, lipid metabolism, ultrasound carotid atherosclerosis parameters before treatment of two group patients showed no significant difference (P>0.05), The serum tCa, iCa, PTH contents of observation group patients were less than control group patients after 6 months treatment. P level was higher than control group patients (P<0.05); lipid metabolism parameters TC, TG,ApoB, LDL-C contents were less than control group patients, HDL-C level was higher than control group patients (P<0.05); serum content of SOD was higher than that in control group, contents of ROS and MDA were lower than those of control group (P<0.05); carotid ultrasound parameters IMT, CA-RI were lower than control group patients, Vmax, Vmin levels were higher than control group patients (P<0.05). Conclusion: For uremic patients, the concentration of calcium in the normal range, application of low calcium dialysate concentration helps to maintain the stability of calcium and phosphorus and the content of PTH, further progress in inhibition of carotid atherosclerosis, individualized dialysate calcium concentration is an important link to ensure the effect of dialysis in uremic patients, reduce serious complications.
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