AbstractObjective: To investigate the suspicious drugs and pharmacoepidemiologic features of drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DHS). Methods: 35 cases of drug hypersensitivity syndrome were collected, clinical data were collected and analyzed retrospectively, suspicious drugs were finded and epidemiological characteristics were analyzed. Results: ① Of the 35 cases of DHS association results, 6 cases (17.14%) were confirmed (≥9 points), 19 cases (54.29%) were likely (5 to 8 points), 10 cases (28.57%) were possible (4 points). There was a strong correlation between most of the DHS and suspicious drugs, Suspicious drugs were purine tablets (20 cases,60.00%), antiepileptic drugs (6 cases,17.14%), anti-tuberculosis drugs (5 cases,14.29%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (4 cases,11.43%); In terms of disease outcome, after a comprehensive treatment, 91.43% (32/35) of the patients' condition were significantly improved and they all discharged, 8.57% (3/35) of patients died due to multiple organ failure. Fever or rash was the first symptom of most DHS, followed by typical clinical manifestations of DHS, such as oral, mucous membrane, genital damage, liver and kidney function damage, lymphadenopathy, pneumonia and so on. ② The most involved organs by DHS was the skin and its accessories (30.60%), followed by oral system (18.03%), digestive system (13.66%) and nervous system (13.66%), blood, immune, urinary and respiratory system less involved. Conclusion: DHS should be on the alert when the patient showed high fever, rash and visceral damage, the general anti-infective treatment is invalid, and they are with allopurine tablets, anti-TB drugs, antiepileptic drugs and other medication history.
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