Effect of Negative Pressure Therapy Combined with Jade Ointment on Serum Th1/Th2 Cells and miR-155 Expression in DFU Patients |
LI Zhen, LI Wenxia, OU Daoliang, et al |
Danzhou People's Hospital, Hainan Danzhou 571700, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the effect of negative pressure therapy combined with jade ointment on serum expression of Th 1, Th 2 cells and miR-155 in patients with diabetic foot (DFU). Methods: A total of 146 DFU patients admitted to our hospital from June 2021 to January 2022 were selected and grouped by Excel computerized randomized simply random method into a combination group and a control group, with 73 patients in each group. The patients were given conventional debridement and basic treatment, with negative pressure wound therapy, the control group was treated with calcium alginate dressing, and the combined group was treated with reduced muscle Yuhong ointment for treatment. The total course of treatment was 8 weeks. The efficacy of the two groups, the relative expression of miR-155 and serum Th1-related cytokines Th2-related cytokines in DFU granulation tissues before treatment and at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks of treatment were compared, and blood and liver and renal function indexes were recorded before and after treatment. Results: The observation group had a higher response rate (91.78%, 67 / 73) than the control group (79.45%, 58 / 73), with differences between groups (P<0.05). The effect of treatment, time and interaction on the relative expression of miR-155 was significant (P<0.05). The relative expression of miR-155 decreased in both groups over time and showed a stronger trend in the observation group compared to the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in the patients' Th1- and Th2-related factors before treatment by intergroup t-test (P>0.05), and after treatment, the patients' levels of the factors improved significantly after 8 weeks, with a decrease in TNF-α, IL-2, and IFN-γ, and an increase in IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10, and the difference between pre- and post-treatment was greater in the Observation Group compared with the Control Group (P<0.05). There was no statistical difference in the comparison of WBC, RBC and PLT levels between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05); after treatment, the patients' WBC levels were significantly reduced, and the difference between the observation group before and after treatment was greater than that of the control group, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference in the comparison of RBC and PLT levels between the two groups before and after treatment (P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the comparison of liver and kidney function indexes between the two groups before and after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion: Patients with diabetic foot can significantly improve the serum Th1Th2 cells and miR-155 expression level, and improve the therapeutic effect.
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