Detection of Peripheral Blood Neuropeptide Y Cholecystokinin and LEP in Children with Anorexia and its Clinical Significance |
FU Riming, CHEN Yunwang, et al |
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, Hainan Haikou 570311, China |
Abstract Objective: To investigate the peripheral blood neuropeptide Y (NPY),cholecystokinin (CCK),and leptin (LEP) levels and their clinical significance in children with anorexia.Methods: A total of 105 children with anorexia pediatric patients treated in our hospital from January 2017 to August 2019 were prospectively selected as the observation group,and 102 children with healthy physical examinations in the same period were selected as the control group.Compared serum NPY,CCK,LEP levels and clinical symptom scores between two groups and children with different levels of illness,and analyzed the correlation between serum NPY,CCK,LEP and clinical symptoms,according to the average expression of serum NPY,CCK,and LEP,the patients were divided into high-expressed and low-expressed patients,the efficacy of children with different levels of serum NPY,CCK,and LEP was compared,and the relationship between the three was analyzed.Results: The serum NPY in the observation group was lower than that in the control group,and CCK and LEP were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05); serum NPY was lower in severe children than in moderate and mild children,and CCK and LEP were higher than in moderate and mild children (P<0.05); severe children with reduced food intake,fatigue,and fatigue scores were higher than those with moderate and mild children (P<0.05); serum NPY was negatively correlated with reduced appetite,fatigue,and fatigue scores,and CCK was positively correlated with reduced appetite,fatigue,and fatigue scores (P<0.05); the total effective rate of those with high expression of NPY in serum was higher than those with low expression,and the total effective rate of those with high expression of CCK and LEP was lower than those with low expression (P<0.05); serum NPY was positively correlated with curative effect,while CCK and LEP were negatively correlated with curative effect (P<0.05).Conclusion: The expressions of serum NPY,CCK and LEP are closely related to the severity of anorexia and treatment effect in children,clinical treatment can be formulated according to the expression of the above serum indicators to improve the treatment effect.
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