Clinical Observation on 40 Cases of Thumb Radial Retrograde Fascia Flap Repairing the Defect of Finger Tip |
YAN Fei, LIU Shi bo, et al |
Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College, Hebei Chengde 067000, China |
Abstract Objective: To explore the surgical method and clinical effect of retrograde fascia flap of thumb radial side in repairing the defect of finger tip. Methods: From August 2014 to may 2018, 40 cases of finger tip defect in our hospital were repaired with reverse thumb radial fasciocutaneous flap. Results: All the 40 finger flaps survived in 40 cases. Postoperative follow-up was 12 to 24 months, with an average of 18.8 months, the index finger abdomen is full and the skin flap is of good color and texture. The two-point resolution of the flap was 3.0-5.0mm. According to the trial standard of upper limb function evaluation of hand surgery branch of Chinese medical association, 31 cases were excellent and 9 cases were good, the excellent and good rate were 100%. Conclusion: It is a simple method to repair the defect of the index finger with the reverse fasciocutaneous flap of the radial side of the thumb, which can obtain good function and shape. It is an alternative operation method and is worth popularizing.
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