Curative Effect of Pranoprofen combined with Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops in the treatment of Moderate to Severe Dry Eye |
FU Yu, CEN Yujian, FU Mi, et al |
Hainan West Central Hospital, Hainan Danzhou 571700, China |
Abstract Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect of pranoprofen combined with carboxymethylcellulose sodium eye drops in the treatment of moderate to severe dry eye. Methods: 100 patients with moderate to severe dry eye treated in the ophthalmology clinic of the hospital from January to August 2018 were randomly divided into the combined group (50 patients treated with pranoprofen combined with carboxymethylcellulose sodium eye drops) and the control group (50 patients treated with carboxymethylcellulose sodium eye drops). The SIT, BUT and FL scores before and after treatment, dry eye scores, curative effect and incidence of adverse reactions in both groups were observed. Results: The SIT, BUT and FL scores and dry eye score of the combined group were significantly lower than those of the control group after treatment (P<0.05). The cure rate and the total effective rate of the combined group were higher than those of the control group. The overall incidence of adverse reactions in the combined group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Praprofene combined with carboxymethylcellulose sodium eye drops is effective in the treatment of moderate to severe dry eye, with safety.
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