The Correlation of the Tumour Necosis Factor -308 Gene Polymorphism Response to Etanercept Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis |
YANG Qunzhi, ZHANG Ge, HE Jing |
Beijing Haidian Hospital / Beijing Haidian Section of Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Objective: To study the effect of TNF gene polymorphism on the efficacy of etanercept in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: 103 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were selected in this study. included. The polymorphism of TNF- alpha -308 (G/A) gene was analyzed in patients. and the patients were divided into three groups: GG, GA and AA. All patients were treated with etanercept (25 mg/ times, 1 weeks, 2 times). At 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks, we evaluated whether the patients achieved the ACR20 and ACR50 mitigation criteria. The improvement of patients with different genotypes were observed. Results: After 12 weeks of therapy, ACR20 and ACR50 criterion were met by 94.8% and 70.0% in GG group; 78.4% and 59.5% in GA group; 62.5% and 37.5% in AA group. The ACR20 and ACR50 in GG group were significant higher than that of GA and AA groups, the difference was statistically significant( P < 0.05 ). Conclusion: The polymorphism of TNF- alpha -308 (G/A) gene is correlated with the clinical efficacy of etanercept in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The effect of etancept on patients with TNF- alpha -308GG type rheumatoid arthritis is better than those with GA and AA genotypes. The difference of therapeutic effect between different types of gene types gradually appears with the prolongation of the time of treatment.
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