Comparison of Risk of Hypotension between Cesarean Section in Pregnant Women with Severe Preeclampsia and Healthy Pregnant Women under Combined Spinal-epidural Anesthesia |
SHI Jingjing, DONG He |
The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Shandong Qingdao 266000, China |
Abstract Objective: To investigate the risk of hypotension in cesarean section of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women under combined spinal epidural anesthesia. Methods: 40 pregnant women with severe preeclampsia were enrolled from August 2016 to August 2017 as pregnant women with severe preeclampsia and 240 healthy pregnant women were enrolled as healthy maternal groups. The maternal anesthesia period was compared between the two groups , Neonatal weight, hypotension incidence, anesthesia SBP, DBP, MAP, HR and other adverse reactions. Results: The dosage of lidocaine, the total amount of infusion, the dose of ephedrine and the weight of neonatal were lower than those of healthy pregnant women, and the incidence of hypotension was significantly higher than that of healthy pregnant women group. SBP, DBP and MAP The baseline values, the lowest values after anesthesia, the lowest blood pressure drop and the basal value - the lowest blood pressure values were significantly higher than those in the healthy pregnant women group; HR basal value, lowest postnesthesia, lowest heart rate decline, basal value - lowest heart rate (P <0.01). The significant difference between the two groups was higher than that of the healthy pregnant women group, and the highest heart rate was higher than that of the healthy pregnant women group (P <0.01). The postoperative pain rate was significantly higher than that of healthy pregnant women group (P <0.05). Conclusion: Pregnant women with severe preeclampsia have a higher risk of developing low blood pressure during cesarean section under combined spinal epidural anesthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the anesthetic dose and strengthen the management of intraoperative infusion.
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