Abstract:Objective: To investigate the effect of tiotropium and Shah Mette Lo Tikason on inflammatory factors and T lymphocytes in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: Between February 2014 to February 2015 in our hospital respiratory outpatient department visits moderately severe plateau, 80 cases of COPD patients, all patients were randomly divided into two groups, the control group, 40 patients with routine western medicine treatment, the observation group 40 cases in the control group was given on the basis of the treatment. Consult for the occasional bromide combined salmeterol assigned for treatment. After 2 weeks treatment, and compared before and after treatment serum inflammatory factors [interleukin 8 (IL - 8) tumor necrosis factor alpha] (TNF alpha) in serum T lymphocytes (CD4 + CD8 +, CD4 + / CD8 +) and pulmonary function (FEV1, FVC FEV1 / FVC) level changes. Results: The clinical curative effect of observation group patients was significantly better than the control group patients (P < 0.05).Two groups after treatment in patients with IL - 8, TNF alpha value significantly reduced compared with before treatment (P < 0.05), the observation group after treatment in patients with IL - 8, TNF alpha value was significantly lower than the control group patients (P < 0.05).In the two groups after treatment in patients with serum CD4 + and CD4 + / CD8 + T lymphocytes was increased, the and falling CD8 + than before treatment (P < 0.05).Observation group of patients after treatment serum CD4 + and CD4 + / CD8 + T lymphocytes was higher than the control group, and CD8 + phase is lower (P < 0.05).Two groups of patients after two weeks of lung function were improved after treatment, improve is better than that of control group and observation group patients (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The seconds for the occasional bromide combined salmeterol calzone treatment period of COPD patients can effectively improve the patient's lung function, lower levels of inflammatory cytokines, enhance immunity.
孙静, 许亮. 噻托溴铵联合沙美特罗替卡松对中重度稳定期COPD患者T淋巴细胞炎性因子的影响[J]. 河北医学, 2017, 23(11): 1772-1775.
SUN Jing, et al. Effect of Tiotropium combined with Shah Mette Lo Tikason on T lymphocyte and Inflammatory Factors in patients with Moderate to Severe Stable COPD. HeBei Med, 2017, 23(11): 1772-1775.
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