Abstract:Objective: To explore the effect of endoscopically-assisted lateral fissure surgery on hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia region and the influence of patients' NIHSS score. Methods: 88 patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia region admitted to our hospital from January 2016 to January 2018 were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The control group was treated by transcortical microneurosurgical technique, and the research group was treated by translateral fissure surgery under endoscopy. The postoperative state, NIHSS score and surgical indicators of the two groups were compared. Result: the postoperative status, NIHSS score and surgical index of the study group were better than those of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: During the treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia region, endoscope-assisted surgery through lateral fissure has a significant effect, reducing the incidence of adverse reactions, high patient satisfaction and treatment compliance. Therefore, this method should be widely used.
冯屹, 李斌, 谭卫, 汪洋, 李传伟, 钟文, 钟伟. 内镜辅助下经外侧裂手术对基底节区高血压性脑出血的效果及患者NIHSS评分的影响[J]. 河北医学, 2019, 25(5): 755-758.
FENG Wei, LI Bin, TAN Wei, et al. Effects of Endoscopically-assisted Lateral Fissure Surgery on Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage in Basal Ganglia Region and NIHSS Score. HeBei Med, 2019, 25(5): 755-758.
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