Abstract:Objective: To analyze the acupoints selected for acupuncture prescriptions and their dispensing patterns in the existing literature reports on acupuncture treatment of atopic dermatitis with Apriori algorithm based on Python, so as to expand the therapeutic ideas for clinical acupuncture treatment of atopic dermatitis. Methods: The contents of the relevant literature in CNKI, Wanfang data, and Wipu repositories (~ February 2021) that met the inclusion criteria of this study were extracted and entered, and the data were read using Python, and the Apriori algorithm was used to analyze the selected acupoints and the rules of combination for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Results: In this study, 24 acupuncture prescriptions were selected for statistical analysis, involving a total of 38 acupoints, and the total frequency of acupoints applied was 170. Among them, the high frequency acupoints were Quchi, Xuehai, and Zusanli; the high frequency meridians involved were Foot Yang Sun Bladder Meridian, Foot Tai Yin Spleen Meridian, and Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian; the acupoints were mostly distributed in the extremities and back; Quchi-Tianshu-Zhongbei was the key acupoint for the treatment of atopic dermatitis; the visualization analysis of the combination of acupoints showed that the common combinations of acupoints were: Diaphragmatic Yu, Dazhui, Lung Yu, Heart Yu, Wei Zhong, Gall Bladder Yu, and San Jiao Yu. The cluster analysis of high-frequency acupoints showed that the acupoints could be divided into four effective clusters. Conclusion: The selection pattern of acupuncture points selected from the results of this study can provide reference value for clinical research on the acupuncture treatment of atopic dermatitis.
刘悦, 汤晓冬, 李伟红, 翟舒婕, 余洋. 基于Apriori算法的针灸治疗特应性皮炎选取腧穴规律研究[J]. 河北医学, 2023, 29(6): 916-921.
LIU Yue, TANG Xiaodong, LI Weihong, et al. Apriori Algorithm Based Acupuncture for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: A Study on the Regularity of Acupoint Selection. HeBei Med, 2023, 29(6): 916-921.
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