Comparison of the Effects of Solid Ankle-Foot Orthosis and Tuned Solid Ankle-Foot Orthosis on Abnormal Gait and Serum VEGF and CK-BB Levels in Children with Cerebral Palsy
ZHAO Le, GAO Feng, QIU Zhiwei, et al
Taihe Hospital of Shiyan, Hubei Shiyan 442000, China
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the effects of solid ankle-foot orthosis and tuned solid ankle-foot orthosis on abnormal gait in children with cerebral palsy.Methods: 80 children with cerebral palsy treated in our hospital from June 2017 to June 2019 were selected and randomly divided into observation group (n = 40) and control group (n = 40) with simple random number table method.The control group was equipped with solid ankle-foot orthosis and the observation group was equipped with tuned solid ankle-foot orthosis.The spatial parameters, limb kinematic parameters, limb kinetic parameters and serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and creatine kinase brain isoenzyme (CK-BB) were observed and compared between the two groups.Results: Compared with the control group, the observation group had higher walking frequency and speed, higher range of motion of knee joint, lower flexion angle of knee joint touching the ground for the first time, larger maximum extension angle of standing knee joint and maximum dorsiflexion angle of ankle joint during swing, larger maximum flexion moment of knee joint, smaller extension moment, larger maximum metatarsal flexion moment of ankle joint, smaller dorsal flexion moment, lower serum VEGF and CK-BB levels.The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: Wearing tuned solid ankle-foot orthosis is better than solid ankle-foot orthosis in improving abnormal gait (more stable and coherent) with lower levels of serum VEGF and CK-BB in children with cerebral palsy, which is worth promotion in clinical practice.
赵乐, 高峰, 邱志伟, 余丹, 孙杰. 静态踝足矫形器与调谐静态踝足矫形器对脑瘫患儿异常步态及血清VEGF CK-BB水平的影响比较[J]. 河北医学, 2020, 26(9): 1417-1420.
ZHAO Le, GAO Feng, QIU Zhiwei, et al. Comparison of the Effects of Solid Ankle-Foot Orthosis and Tuned Solid Ankle-Foot Orthosis on Abnormal Gait and Serum VEGF and CK-BB Levels in Children with Cerebral Palsy. HeBei Med, 2020, 26(9): 1417-1420.
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