Abstract:Objective: To describe the epidemic characteristics of MSM with HIV/AIDS from 2004 to 2016 in Tangshan, in order to provide scientific evidence for improving the prevention and control strategy of AIDS among men who have sex with men. Methods:Collect the history data of Tangshan as of 2016 from the information system for prevention and control of AIDS and conduct an analysis of reported homosexual transmission of HIV/AIDS. Results:A total of 581 cases of homosexual transmission were recorded from 2004 to 2016. Young patients 15 to 24 years old accounted for 34.4%. Unmarried patients accounted for 60.8%. Of all patients, 34.3% had college degree or above. Workmen accounted for 20.8%. The main data origin was VCT, which contributed 44.1% of the cases. Younger MSM with HIV/AIDS had more homosexual companions (χ2=4.416,P<0.05). More younger MSM with HIV/AIDS were detected by VCT clinic, while more older cases were detected by medical institutions(χ2=6.035,P<0.05). Conclusion: The homosexual transmission of HIV/AIDS were increasing significantly in resent years in Tangshan. VCT clinic has low utilization rate among men who have sex with men, especially in middle-aged MSM. Greater efforts should be made to strengthen the publicity and construction of VCT and meanwhile carry out PITC service in depth in order to find more HIV-infection early and reduce the spread of HIV between men.
魏学前, 毛立超, 商秀丽, 张志坤, 张庆娟. 2004年至2016年唐山市男男性行为者HIV/AIDS流行特征分析[J]. 河北医学, 2020, 26(6): 1053-1056.
WEI Xueqian, MAO Lichao, SHANG Xiuli, et al. An Analysis of the Epidemic Characteristics of MSM with HIV/AIDS from 2004 to 2016 in Tangshan City. HeBei Med, 2020, 26(6): 1053-1056.
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