Abstract:Objective: To reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections by monitoring the occurrence of nosocomial infections in thoracic surgery and formulating corresponding prevention and control and intervention measures. Methods: Targeted surveillance of nosocomial infections was performed on all patients admitted to thoracic surgery in 2019. The whole process was divided into 4 stages: data and statistics collection, prevention and control measures formulation, field intervention, and results feedback. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS19.0 software. Results: By selecting 1020 patients admitted to thoracic surgery from January to December 2019, the incidence of nosocomial infection, pathogen distribution, infection site and route were monitored and recorded. Secondly, according to the monitoring results, formulate prevention and control measures and implement specific intervention measures. Finally, evaluate, improve and feedback the intervention results. Through monitoring the incidence of nosocomial infection in thoracic surgery, the corresponding prevention, control and intervention measures were formulated to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infection. Using digital hospital sense monitoring management, the incidence of nosocomial infection in thoracic surgery was significantly reduced, but there was no statistical difference (3.52% vs 2.94%, χ2= 0.138 P>0.05); the surgical site infection rate (SSI) was significantly reduced, with statistical difference (4.35% vs 3.85%, χ2=0.048, P<0.05); the incidence of postoperative pneumonia (POP) was from (5.8% vs 2.56%, χ2= 0.368, P>0.05). The main infection was pop and SSI, 8 cases of SSI, accounted for 0.78%, 16 cases of pop, accounted for 1.18%;. The main pathogens were gram negative bacteria, including 9 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26%), 8 Klebsiella pneumoniae (23%). Conclusion: The implementation of digital nosocomial surveillance management measures can effectively improve the level of nosocomial infection diagnosis and reduce the incidence of related nosocomial infections.
池水晶, 封燚, 李慧, 杨悦, 唐冠杰, 崔淼航, 赵立华, 赵凯峰. 数字化院感监控有效控制术后肺炎方法探究[J]. 河北医学, 2020, 26(6): 1048-1052.
CHI Shuijing, et al. Study on the Effective Control of Postoperative Pneumonia by Digital Hospital Sense Monitoring. HeBei Med, 2020, 26(6): 1048-1052.
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