Abstract:Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics of narcolepsy. Methods: The clinical data of 56 narcoleptic children were analyzed. Video-EEG monitoring and multiple sleep latency tests were performed in all patients. Results: Excessive daytime sleepiness was manifested in all the patients, with disrupted nocturnal sleep. Cataplexy appeared in 38cases, and hypnagogic hallucination in 4, hypnopompic hallucination in 2, and sleep paralysis in 2, respectively.EEG and VEEG of all patients were normal. The multiple sleep latency test demonstrated a short sleep la-tency (<5 minutes) and two or more sleep onset REM periods(SOREMPs) in all patients. Four patients were misdiag-nosed with myasthenia gravis. Six children were misdiagnosed with epilepsy. Two patients were misdiagnosed with schizo-phrenia. Twenty-eight mild patients were followed up at the neurological out-patient department. Two cases of sleepiness, cata-plexy and sleep hallucination was given just behavior guidance because the parents refused to receive drug treatment. Twenty six children with severe sleepiness was treated with methylphenidate along with behavior guidance. Conclusion: Narcolepsy is likely to be misdiagnosed because of its mildsymptoms at onset and atypical clinical manifestations. Misdiagnosis can be reduced by means of VEEG and MSLT.
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