Abstract:Objective: To study evaluation of prognosis of Severe Pneumonia by Serum S-ChE, LPO, Routine blood. Methods: 175 patients of severe pneumonia who received therapy from May 2016 and May 2018 in our hospital were selected, According to the condition of the disease, it was divided into 75 cases of delayed deterioration group and 100 cases of improvement group. Serum S-ChE, LPO and blood routine (WBC, PLT) levels of the two groups were detected. Results: Serum s-ChE and LPO levels in the worsening group were higher than the improving group (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). According to ROC curve analysis, the area under the ROC curve of s-ChE in evaluating the prognosis of severe pneumonia was 0.857, with sensitivity of 75.34%, specificity of 79.39%, accuracy rate of 78.29%, evaluation curve area of LPO was 0.772, sensitivity of 73.68%, specificity of 72.03% and accuracy of 72.57%. Blood routine evaluation curve area was 0.643, sensitivity 51.92%, specificity of 60.98% , accuracy 58.29%, and the combined prediction curve area was 0.913, sensitivity 81.58%, specificity 86.87% and accuracy 84.57%, all of which were higher than individual prediction, with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: The prognosis of severe pneumonia in the elderly is related to changes in serum S-ChE and LPO levels of patients, and has no obvious relationship with blood routine. It is of great clinical significance to jointly evaluate the prognosis of severe pneumonia in the elderly.
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