Abstract:Objective: To explore the ultrasonographic features and characteristics of breast fibroadenoma and lobular tumor, to provide guidance for the imaging diagnosis of breast lesions. Methods: Pathologically proved breast fibroadenoma (n=86 cases), phyllodes tumor (21 cases) of patients with clinical data, 2-D ultrasound and color Doppler flow information were collected. The differences and similarities of ultrasonic manifestations of two kinds of breast lesions were compared and analyzed statistically. Results: The maximum diameter of the breast fibroadenoma was (20.14 + 8.71) mm. The boundary of the lesion was clear and the shape was more regular in the oval shape and the Doppler spectrum was a low resistance type. The blood flow signal 0~ grade I was 68.6%. The internal echo was most homogeneous, the internal echo of the lesion was slightly hypoechoic to equal echo, a few echoes in the rear were enhanced, the calcification in the tumor was rare, and the cystic degeneration was not detected. Phyllodes tumor of the largest tumor diameter was (32.59 + 10.49) mm. The boundary was clear, lobulated edge and many of the internal echo unevenly, visible high echo separation. The blood flow signal II ~ III grade accounted for 61.9%. There were fewer cystic changes and calcification in the lesion. Compared with phyllodes tumor of breast fibroadenoma, the maximum diameter of the lesions, the average detection rate and tumor cystic degeneration were lobulated were significantly reduced (P<0.05), internal echo and blood flow signal less uniform examination rate (0~ grade) was increased (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the aspect ratio, axillary lymph node change, calcification detection rate, Vmax and RI index between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Color Doppler ultrasound is part of a specific index in the prediction of breast fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumors, but the ultrasound findings of two there is also a certain coincidence, clinical qualitative judgment, must pay attention from more angles.
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