Abstract:Objective: To investigate and compare the efficacy of PFNA internal fixation and arthroplasty in treatment of unstable intertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients. Methods: A total of 150 patients with unstable intertrochanteric fractures admitted from October 2013 to October 2016 were randomly divided into two groups. The patients in the internal fixation group received PFNA internal fixation. The patients in the joint replacement group were treated with arthroplasty. Perioperative clinical indexes, complications, recovery of joint function and long-term quality of life of the two groups before and after treatment. Results: The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage, postoperative weight-bearing time and fracture healing time were significantly lower in the patients in the internal fixation group than those in the joint replacement group. The quality of life scores in each dimension were significantly different There was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.01). The overall complication rate was significantly lower than that of the control group. The rate of joint function was significantly higher than that of the joint replacement group (P <0.05). Conclusion: Compared with the arthroplasty, the clinical efficacy of PFNA internal fixation in patients with unstable intertrochanteric fractures is more significant and has reference value.
李坤, 张育民, 郭建斌, 王亚康. PFNA内固定与关节置换治疗高龄不稳定型转子间骨折的疗效对比[J]. 河北医学, 2018, 24(1): 55-58.
LI Kun, ZHANG Yumin, GUO Jianbin, et al. Comparison of PFNA Internal Fixation and Arthroplasty in the Treatment of Unstable Intervertebral Fractures in Elderly Patients. HeBei Med, 2018, 24(1): 55-58.
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