Abstract:Objective: To observe the effect of OLYMPUS BF3C-40 type electron fiber bronchoscopy in the treatment of children with refractory Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. Methods: Sixty children with refractory mycoplasmalpneumonia were divided into the medicine group and the electron branchofiberoscope group (30 cases in each group) The medicine group was given antiinfection, ntipyretic, and relieve cough medicine. The electron branchofiberoscope was added in the electron branchofiberoscope group, the clinical effect were observed in two groups. Results: The cough duration, moist rales, and hospitalization time were significantly shorter in the electron branchofiberoscope group (t=3.87, 3.67, 7.65, P<0.05). After treatment, the difference of CRP, WBC, ESR among two groups were significantly better in the electron branchofiberoscope group, there were significant difference (t=1.12, 1.03, 1.17;t=2.33, 2.47,3.58;t=1.65,3.13,3.93, P<0.05). The total effective rate in the electron branchofiberoscope group were significantly higher than that in the drug group (χ2=10.708,P< 0.05). Conclusion: The electron branchofiberoscope lavage therapy can significantly improve the effect of treatment in children with refractory mycoplasmal pneumonia and improve the symptom in the lung.
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