Abstract:Objective: To analyze the results of vertical tilt test (HUTT) and its correlation with related factors in children with vasovagal syncope(VVS). Methods: 140 cases of suspected VVS diagnosed from June 2016 to March 2017 in our hospital were selected as the subjects and HUTT examination was carried out. According to the results, the children were divided into HUTT positive group and HUTT negative group. The clinical information was analyzed by regression analysis to determine the independent risk factors of HUTT positive. Results: There were 75 cases of HUTT positive children and 65 cases of negative children. The average number of syncope in HUTT positive group was (2.34 + 1.18) times, while those in HUTT negative group were (0.74 + 0.18) times. The difference between two groups was statistically significant (t=10.818, P<0.001).The proportion of chest tightness in the HUTT positive group was 44% and the negative group of HUTT was 26.15%. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (x 2=4.83, P=0.028); the results of univariate analysis showed that female gender (P<0.001), aged >12 years (P<0.001), number of syncope(χ2=22.918,P=<0.001)、a history of syncope pathogenesis (P=0.014), (P<0.001), family history of syncope the chest is weak (P=0.041) related factors for positive results for HUTT; Multiple factor Logistic regression analysis showed that Over 12 years of age, history of syncope, family history of syncope, number of syncope, chest tightness, fatiguewere independent risk factors for HUTT positive. Conclusion: The value of these features for the clinical diagnosis of VVS should be paid attention to in the HUTT examination, which is over 12 years old, sex female, syncope history, syncope family history and chest depression.
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XUE Ying, AN Xinjiang. Analysis of Risk Factors for Syncope in Children with Basal Erect Tilt Test. HeBei Med, 2018, 24(8): 1376-1379.
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