Abstract:Objective: To study the incidence of neural behavioral problems and the changes of serum insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH) levels of preschool children with simple obesity, and to explore the correlations between neural behavioral of children with simple obesity with the serum IGF-1 and GH. Methods: 120 preschool children aged 4-6 years in a certain urban area of Nanning, 60 children with body weight exceeding 20% of standard weight were selected as obese group, and 60 children with normal weight were used as normal group. The Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used to assess the psychological and behavioral abilities of the children, detection of serum IGF-1 and GH levels in children by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the relationships between CBCL score with serum IGF-1 and GH were analyzed. Results: The incidence rate of abnormal neural behavioral problems in obese group was significantly higher than that in the normal group (χ2=10.159, P=0.001), the incidence rate of neural behavioral abnormalities in children with severe obesity was significantly higher than that in children with mild to moderate obesity (χ2=4.516, P=0.034); the CBCL total score of boys in obesity group was significantly higher than that of boys in normal group (P<0.05), the CBCL total score of girls was significantly higher than that of girls in the normal group (P<0.05); the serum IGF-1 levels in obese children were significantly higher than those in the normal group (P<0.05), serum GH levels were significantly lower than those in normal group (P<0.05), the heavier the level of obesity, the higher the level of serum IGF-1, the lower the level of GH; the CBCL score is significantly positively correlated with the serum IGF-1 in obese group (r=0.622, P=0.000), was negatively correlated with serum GH level (r=-0.489, P=0.012). Conclusion: The incidence rate of neural behavioral abnormality in preschool children with simple obesity is increased, and is related to the severity of obesity, the increase of serum IGF-1 level and decrease of GH level.
黄纯, 谈驰, 王新, 郑兵, 唐莎莎. 学龄前儿童单纯性肥胖神经行为与血清IGF-1 GH水平的关系[J]. 河北医学, 2019, 25(2): 211-214.
HUANG Chun, TAN Chi, WANG Xin, et al. Relationship between Neurobehavioral Behavior of Simple Obesity and Serum IGF-1 and GH levels in Preschool Children. HeBei Med, 2019, 25(2): 211-214.
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