Abstract:Objective: To investigate the relationship between homocysteine level and insulin resistance in patients with diabetic nephropathy and to provide evidence for early clinical evaluation of insulin resistance in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Methods: A total of 128 patients with diabetes admitted to the hospital between January 2017 and June 2017 were divided into simple type 2 diabetes group(set to A group), microal-buminuria group (set to B group), and macro-albuminuria group(set to C group) according to the results of urinary albumin excretion rat(UAER). Equilibrium between groups and The difference was not statistically significant. The three groups were collected and analyzed for blood homocysteine(Hcy), triglyceride(TG), total cholesterol(TC), urea nitrogen(BUN), creatinine(CR),glycosylated hemoglobin(HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and general indicators. Results: In addition to FPG no difference, the other indicators (Hcy, TG, TC, BUN, CR, HbA1c and FPG) in the three groups were group A < group B < group C and were positively correlated with insulin resistance. Group A Hcy and HOMA-IR (R=0.530, P=0.003), group B Hcy and HOMA-IR (R=0.645, P<0.001), group C Hcy and HOMA-IR (R=0.734, P<0.001). Conclusions: With the development of diabetic nephropathy, the levels of Hcy and HOMA-IR is increasing, and there is a correlation between Hcy and HOMA-IR.
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