Abstract:Objective: To explore the feasibility of p16/ cell proliferating nuclear antigen (Ki67) double staining test for cervical disease screening in TCT negative combined HPV16 and HPV18 positive patients. Methods: A total of 100 patients with negative TCT results but positive HPV16 and HPV18 tests were collected from March 2016 to January 2018. Both p16/Ki67 double staining and colposcopic pathological biopsy were performed within 6 weeks after TCT. The sensitivity and specificity of p16/Ki67 double staining for screening cervical lesions were analyzed based on the gold standard of biopsy results. Results: Pathological biopsy showed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia over grade 2 (CIN2+) were 39 cases (39.00%), including 1 case of cervical adenocarcinoma (1.00%), 21 cases of CIN3 (21.00%), 17 cases of CIN2 (17.00%). The result of pathological biopsy was as the gold standard, the sensitivity of p16/Ki67 double staining test for screening CIN2+ cervical lesions was 89.74%, the specificity was 96.72%, the positive predictive value was 94.59%, the negative predictive value was 93.65%. Conclusion: P16/Ki67 double staining test has high sensitivity and specificity for screening CIN2+ cervical lesions, it can be used for early screening of cervical lesions, and has a certain early warning effect.
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