Abstract:Objective: To explore the imaging manifestations of cervical cancer on TVCDS (Transvaginal Color Doppler Sonography) and analyze their correlation with tumor characteristics.Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 98 patients with cervical cancer (cervical cancer group) admitted to our hospital from December 2018 to November 2023. Concurrently, 71 subjects with normal TVCDS results during physical examinations were included as a control group. Imaging data from TVCDS examinations of both groups were collected. Comparisons were made between the groups regarding blood flow signal grading, pathological characteristics, RI (Resistance Index), PSV (Peak Systolic Velocity), and EDV (End-Diastolic Velocity). Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to assess the relationship between RI, PSV, EDV, and blood flow signal grading in patients with cervical cancer.Results: The RI value in the cervical cancer group was lower than that in the control group, while PSV and EDV values were higher (P<0.05). Among cervical cancer patients at different clinical stages, RI values were compared as follows: Stage I > Stage Ⅱ > Stage Ⅲ. In contrast, PSV and EDV values were compared as follows: Stage I < Stage Ⅱ < Stage Ⅲ. Patients with tumor diameter < 40mm and no lymph node metastasis had significantly higher RI values than those with tumor diameter ≥ 40mm and lymph node metastasis (P<0.05). Comparisons of RI values among patients with different blood flow signal grades were as follows: Grade I > Grade Ⅱ > Grade Ⅲ. PSV and EDV values were compared as follows: Grade I < Grade Ⅱ < Grade Ⅲ (P<0.05). Correlation results indicated that RI was negatively correlated with blood flow signal grading (r=-0.411, P<0.001), while PSV and EDV were positively correlated with blood flow signal grading (r=0.396, 0.408, P<0.001).Conclusion: Changes in RI, PSV, and EDV values on TVCDS in patients with cervical cancer are closely related to their tumor pathological characteristics and blood flow signal grading.
杨丽英, 王莉, 梁小静, 陈伟杰, 孙荪. 宫颈癌TVCDS影像学表现及与肿瘤特征的相关性[J]. 河北医学, 2024, 30(6): 969-973.
YANG Liying, WANG Li, LIANG Xiaojing, et al. Imaging Manifestations of Cervical Cancer on TVCDS and Its Correlation with Tumor Characteristics. HeBei Med, 2024, 30(6): 969-973.
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