Clinical Study on the Combination of Yaotongning Capsule and Spinal Micro-Adjustment Manipulation on Improving Pain and Lumbar Dysfunction in Patients with Discogenic Low Back Pain
YAN Fei, CHEN Xingyan, FAN Haijing, et al
The Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College, Hebei Chengde 067000, China
Abstract:Objective: To study the clinical efficacy and safety of spinal micro-adjustment manipulation combined with drug Yaotongning capsule in treating discogenic low back pain (DLBP) with cold-dampness obstruction syndrome. Methods: Seventy patients with DLBP were randomly divided into a treatment group and control group,35 cases in each group. Yaotongning capsules and spinal micro-adjustment manipulation were used to treat the patients in the treatment group, whereas Diclofenac sodium sustained-release tablets and spinal micro-adjustment manipulation were used to treat the patients in the control group.The Oswestry disability index (ODI), Japanese orthopaedic association scores (JOA), visual analogue scale (VAS) and safety indicators of the two groups were compared and evaluated before treatment and 1,3 and 6 weeks after treatment. The satisfaction rate with the evaluation of lumbar function improvement is 97%, the improvement rate of lumbar function is 86%, and the overall excellent and good rate is 97%.. Results: After 1 week,3 weeks and 6 weeks of treatment, patients in the two groups had improvements in their VAS, ODI, and JOA scores when compared to their pre-treatment scores (P<0.05). The treatment group's effectiveness was inferior to the control group's before three post-operative weeks, but it was comparable to that of the control group by six weeks. However, the treatment group experienced fewer adverse responses than the control group did at that time. Conclusion: Spinal micro-adjustment manipulation combined with Chinese patent medicine Yaotongning capsule could significantly improve the clinical symptom of DLBP with cold-dampness obstruction syndrome, and the effect was more obvious after 6 weeks of treatment.
晏飞, 陈星燃, 范海静, 侯莹莹, 谢双喜, 李连泰, 付世杰. 腰痛宁胶囊联合整脊手法对改善椎间盘源性腰痛患者疼痛及腰部功能障碍的临床研究[J]. 河北医学, 2023, 29(8): 1362-1367.
YAN Fei, CHEN Xingyan, FAN Haijing, et al. Clinical Study on the Combination of Yaotongning Capsule and Spinal Micro-Adjustment Manipulation on Improving Pain and Lumbar Dysfunction in Patients with Discogenic Low Back Pain. HeBei Med, 2023, 29(8): 1362-1367.
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