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河北医学  2022, Vol. 28 Issue (5): 759-762    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-6233.2022.05.012
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谢明英1, 杨源瑞1, 蔡羚琴1, 李龙心1, 熊覃2
1.西部战区总医院干部病房, 四川 成都 610083
2.四川省达州市中心医院放射科, 四川 达州 635000
Changes in the Levels of Eosinophil Chemokines and Inflammatory Mediators During Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis in the Elderly and Their Clinical Significance
XIE Mingying, YANG Yuanrui, CAI Lingqin, et al
The General Hospital of the Western Area Command, Sichuan Chengdu 610083, China
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