Comparison of the Diagnostic Value of Three-dimensional Ultrasound Mammography Combined with Full Field Digital Mammography and DBT Alone in Breast Cancer Diagnosis
ZHAO Peng, XIAO Yang, LI Hongrui
Harrison International Peace Hospital, Hebei Hengshui 053000, China
Abstract:Objective: To explore the value of three-dimensional ultrasound mammography (DBT) combined with full field digital mammography (FFDM) and single DBT in the diagnosis of breast cancer, so as to provide theoretical and practical basis for the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer. Methods: Based on the gold standard of pathological diagnosis, 300 cases of breast cancer (all female) admitted by Harrison International Peace Hospital from October 2017 to December 2018 were selected for prospective study. FFDM and DBT images were obtained by combo mode on the basis of accurately obtaining breast density type, focus size, calcification focus and tissue type of all subjects. The images of DBT diagnosis were judged, and their data were included in spss19.0 and medcalc12.0 software processing. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the two diagnostic methods and the diagnostic accuracy of evaluation (ROC curve of working characteristics of subjects) were analyzed. Results: 1) By statistical analysis, the results of DBT+FFDM in group A, B, C and D showed no significant difference (P>0.05) compared with that in group A (ACR1, ACR2) and group B (< 10 mm and > 30 mm), and the results of DBT + FFDM in other indicators were significantly better than that of DBT alone (P<0.05). 2). Statistical results showed that there was no significant difference between the DBT+FFDM detection of patients under 40 years old, over 50 years old and postmenopausal patients and that of patients with simple DBT diagnosis (P>0.05), while the DBT+FFDM detection of patients between 40-50 years old and postmenopausal patients was significantly better than that of patients with simple DBT diagnosis (P<0.05). 3). The AUC of DBT+FFDM was 0.937, 95% CI was 0.878~1.024, while that of DBT+FFDM was 0.781, 95% CI was 0.715~0.843, which was more accurate than that of DBT+FFDM (P<0.05). Conclusion: In the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer, the diagnostic accuracy of DBT combined with FFDM is higher than that of DBT alone, which can be better used in clinical detection. It is the first choice for breast cancer examination and diagnosis of related breast diseases. It can provide more accurate image diagnosis results for clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease, shorten the detection time of patients and reduce the clinical diagnosis cost. It has good clinical application value.
赵鹏, 肖杨, 李红蕊. 超声下数字乳腺三维断层摄影技术联合全视野数字化乳腺摄影与单独DBT在乳腺癌诊断中的价值对比[J]. 河北医学, 2020, 26(7): 1119-1124.
ZHAO Peng, XIAO Yang, LI Hongrui. Comparison of the Diagnostic Value of Three-dimensional Ultrasound Mammography Combined with Full Field Digital Mammography and DBT Alone in Breast Cancer Diagnosis. HeBei Med, 2020, 26(7): 1119-1124.
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