Abstract:Objective: To analyze the clinical and imaging data of common COVID-2019 patients, analyze their characteristics, and explore the change process . Methods: According to the progress of pulmonary lesions during hospitalization, 21 patients with COVID-2019 were divided into stable group and progressive group,analysed and compared the clinical and imaging data of two groups . Results: ①Fever (52.38%) and cough (38.09%) were the main symptoms in the first diagnosis, and 4 cases (19.04%) had no obvious symptoms; ②The pulmonary lesions in the stable group began to absorb on the (13.06 ± 5.41) day of the total course of disease, the progressive group began to absorb on the (12.80 ± 7.19) day, and the progressive group began to absorb on the (17.20 ± 7.40) day; There was no statistical difference in the course of disease, length of hospitalization and the total course of disease between the two groups before hospitalization. ③ There were no statistical differences in WBC count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count and NLR group in different periods between the general group and the progress group; There were statistical differences between the NLR group at admission, and the progress group was higher than the stable group. ④ Pulmonary lesions involved one lobe in 5 cases (26.32%), two lobes in 2 cases (10.53%), three lobes in 3 cases (15.79%), four lobes in 5 cases (26.32%), five lobes in 4 cases (21.05%); imaging manifestations: simple ground glass shadow in 8 cases (42.11%), ground glass shadow with solid components in 11 cases (57.89%); paver sign in 5 cases (26.31%), dandelion fruit sign in 16 cases (84.21%), Seed sign of dandelion in 10 cases (52.63%) and 10 cases (52.63%) had pleural thickening. Conclusion: Comprehensive analysis of clinical manifestations, laboratory and CT manifestations can improve the diagnostic ability of common COVID-2019. NLR has a certain predictive value for the progress of the disease when admitted.
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