Abstract:Objective:Describe and analyze epidemiological characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases(COVID-19) in Chegnde city to provide evidence for prevention and control. Methods: All COVID-19 cases from Chegnde city reported through March 31,2020 were extracted from China's Infectious Disease Information System. Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyse the epidemic status and distribution characteristics of cases. Result: Through March 31, 2020, a total of 8 patient records 7 confirmed cases(87.5%), 1 asymptomatic case(12.5%), no critical and deaths case contributed data for the analysis. On the whole, the imported cases were indentified as the first source,accounting for 62.5%, all of cases epidemic spread to one-third of counties in Chegnde city, and the most were aged 40~59 years(75%) and the median ages were 48 years. The total infection rate was 1.03% of close contacts for confirmed and asymptomatic cases. Among confirmed cases, the majority clinical types of confirmed cases were severe pneumonia(57.14%), who the most person with underlying diseases. In addition, the average interval from onset to first visiting doctor behavior was 0.5 days, that from first visiting doctor behavior to diagnosis was 1 days, and that from onset to diagnosis was 2 days. As time went on, the above time interval were significantly shortened. There was a family clusters outbreak involving 4 cases. Conclusion: The main source of infection is imported for COVID-19 epidemic in Chegnde city, and the area is in the low risk level. So, comprehensive strategies for prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic include preventing spread in external and rebound in internal, and do the prevention and control work by classification.
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