Abstract:Objective: To explore the effect of bracketless invisible appliance and straight wire appliance in the treatment of periodontitis with malocclusion. Methods: 90 patients with periodontitis and malocclusion from January 2018 to January 2019 were randomly divided into two groups, 45 in each group. The control group was treated with straight wire appliance, while the observation group was treated with non-bracket invisible appliance. The periodontal index, orthodontic effect and complication rate were compared between the two groups. Results: The periodontal indexes of the observation group were lower than those of the control group after 6 months of treatment, with statistical significance (P<0.05); there was no significant difference in the orthodontic effect between the two groups after 6 months of treatment (P>0.05); the incidence of complications in the observation group was lower than that in the control group after 6 months of treatment, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion: In the treatment of periodontitis patients with malocclusion, the application of non bracket invisible appliance can effectively reduce the periodontal index of patients, significantly reduce the incidence of complications, which is worthy of promotion.
石敏, 王红, 张静, 包晨刚. 无托槽隐形矫治器与直丝弓矫治器治疗牙周炎伴错合畸形的疗效比较[J]. 河北医学, 2020, 26(2): 294-297.
SHI Min, WANG Hong, et al. Comparative Study on the Effect of Non Bracket Invisible Appliance and Straight Wire Appliance in the treatment of Periodontitis with Malocclusion. HeBei Med, 2020, 26(2): 294-297.
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