Abstract:Objective: To analyze the mechanism of imipenem resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates. Methods: 110 imipenem-resistance Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates were collected from 2 hospitals of Dongguan between 2016 and 2017, and antibiotic resistance was analyzed using VITEK2 system. PCR was performed to amplify gene oprD. The amplified products were subject to sequencing analysis. Results: 110 strains of bacteria were identified as drug-resistant strains of imipenem, of which 3 were negative for PCR amplification of oprD gene. The oprD gene sequencing of the remaining 107 positive strains showed that 7 of them had no mutation, 84 had frameshift mutations(Eight of them were found to carry insertion sequences ISPpu21, IS1394, ISPpu29 and ISPst2), and 16 with a premature stop codon which is a new termination codon in advance of a position causes its peptide chain abnormalities. The rate of the mutation was 90.91%. Conclusions: oprD gene mutations result amino change and/or frame shift,hampering the binding of imipenem and oprD was the main imipenem resistance mechanism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Dongguan, Guangdong Province.
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