Abstract:Objective: To investigate the volume of hemorrhage after lung biopsy in the different lung segments under bronchoscope of lung cancer patients. Methods: A analysis was made about the volume of hemorrhage in different lung segments biopsy under bronchoscope in 79 patients with lung cancer between March 1, 2015 and April 1, 2018. Result: Not patients death in the 79 cases because of lung biopsy , according to the degree of bleeding after different lung lobe biopsy classification (20ml each of the following is a small amount of bleeding, 20 ml to 100 ml for the medium amount of bleeding, more than 100ml for a large number of bleeding) ,there are no significant statistical differences in the three groups , but from The specific amount , Mean blood loss at the posterior segment of apicoposterius segment in upper lobus(22.30±28.378) ml, lobus medius or lingulare segment(36.69±40.145) ml, and lower lobe basale segment (13.69±15.785) ml.the comparison in the three lobus were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lung biopsy under bronchoscope is generally safe, and the amount of hemorrhage in the lobus medius or lingulare segment is significantly greater than that in the upper and lower lobe basale segments, which have the lowest amount of bleeding in each segment.
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LIU Weiting, YAO Yu, LI Zaiqing. Comparative Observe on Blood Volume Detected by Bronchoscopy in Lung Cancer of Different Lobes. HeBei Med, 2019, 25(4): 636-638.
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