Abstract:Objective: To investigate the relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and atherosclerosis in different types of constitutions. Methods: 85 cases of subclinical hypothyroidism in our hospital were selected as the subjects. The constitution classification of Chinese medicine was carried out by using the TCM body quality table and the classification and judgement of the constitution of Chinese medicine. Blood pressure, blood glucose and blood lipid [TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C], carotid intima media thickness (IMT) and the incidence of arteriosclerosis were compared in subclinical hypothyroidism patients with different physique types. Results: There are 9 types of TCM constitutions in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, of which Qi deficiency, qi depression, Yang deficiency and yin deficiency are the main constitutions. Qi deficiency accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 24.71%, followed by qi depression 21.18%, Yang deficiency 18.82%, yin deficiency 15.29%. Mild constitution, phlegm dampness, hot and humid substance, peculiar nature and blood stasis constitution, 5 constitution is less, respectively 7.06%, 5.88%, 4.71%, 1.18%, 1.18%. The incidence of systolic blood pressure, LDL-C, IMT and arteriosclerosis in patients with Qi deficiency and qi depression were higher than those of other types of patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the laboratory parameters, IMT and atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis incidence between the other groups of patients with subclinical hypothyroidism (P>0.05). Conclusion: The main types of patients with subclinical hypothyroidism are Qi deficiency, qi depression, Yang deficiency, yin deficiency, and Qi deficiency and qi depression are closely related to atherosclerosis, which should be paid more attention to.
陈捷. 不同体质类型亚临床甲减患者与动脉硬化的关系研究[J]. 河北医学, 2018, 24(9): 1475-1477.
CHEN Jie. Study on the Relationship between Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Atherosclerosis in Different Types of Constitutions. HeBei Med, 2018, 24(9): 1475-1477.
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