Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the value of strain rate ratio of ultrasound elastography in grading of breast BI-RADS 4 grade tumors. Methods: The data of 120 cases of breast tumor resection patients admitted in the affiliated hospital of Chengde Medical College from January 2014 to June 2016 were collected. BI-RADS grading of all tumors before operation was 4 grade, and the grading rate was revised after ultrasonic elastography, strain rate ratio, and the correction rate of BI-RADS grading was analyzed by pathological elastography as the gold standard. Results: 120 cases of breast masses BI-RADS 4 ultrasound elastography strain ratio after correction, including 46 cases of BI-RADS grade 4 to maintain unchanged, 59 cases dropped to BI-RADS Level 3, 15 cases of up to BI-RADS level 5, and pathology, ultrasound elastography strain ratio before and after correction of the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 100%, 0%, 45%, 90.7%, 81.8% and 85.5%; the specificity and accuracy was statistically significant differences before and after correction (P<0.05), there was no significant difference before and after the sensitivity correction (P>0.05). Conclusion: The ratio of strain rate of ultrasonic elastography is of certain clinical value for grading correction of BI-RADS 4 grade tumor.
丁华杰, 刘洋洋, 刘会玲, 那磊. 超声弹性成像应变率比值对乳腺BI-RADS 4级肿块的分级校正价值[J]. 河北医学, 2017, 23(7): 1108-1110.
DING Huajie, LIU Yangyang, LIU Huiling, et al. The Value of Ultrasonic Elastography Strain Rate Ratio in Grading of Breast BI-RADS 4. HeBei Med, 2017, 23(7): 1108-1110.
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