Analysis of Clinical Risk Factors of Placental Abruption during Pregnancy
LIU Jiuying, CAI Xiaonan, CAO Ming
Wuhan Children's Hospital, Wuhan Maternal and Child Healthcare Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Hubei Wuhan 430016, China
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the clinical risk factors of PA in 167 cases of placental abruption (PA). Methods: Clinical data of 167 cases with placental abruption were retrospectively reviewed in Wuhan Children's Hospital from Jan.2007 to Dec. 2012. The data of PA pregnant women's age, residence, parity, twin or multiple pregnancy, prenatal vaginal bleeding, rupture of membranes, blood pressure, time of activity, there is no trauma, umbilical cord, oxytocin, chronic cough and constipation during pregnancy, placental abruption type were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The incidence of placental abruption was 0.56% including emergency patients accounting for 82.04%.105 cases had the main predisposing factors(62.87% ), mainly including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, premature rupture of fetal membranes, with oxytocin and traumatic factors. Conclusion: Pay more attention to prenatal care, pregnant women with high risk factors of PA, once the occurrence of PA, as soon as possible diagnosis, active treatment, improve maternal outcome.
刘久英, 蔡晓楠, 曹铭. 孕期发生胎盘早剥的临床危险因素分析[J]. 河北医学, 2017, 23(5): 764-766.
LIU Jiuying, CAI Xiaonan, CAO Ming. Analysis of Clinical Risk Factors of Placental Abruption during Pregnancy. 河北医学, 2017, 23(5): 764-766.
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